Target Audience
Virtual Mentor: New To NetApp UK Partner Sales
The purpose of the briefcase is to make it easy for a new UK partner sales individual to develop their knowledge of NetApp and enable them to go out and sell NetApp effectively. The briefcase includes important resources and links that will be of use to partner sales individuals new to NetApp.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: Agile Data Infrastructure for Partners
The Agile Data Infrastructure Solution in a Box package provides you with easy access to the Agile Data Infrastructure whiteboard, training, success stories and the latest competitive information.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: Business Impact Selling
This course will familiarize you with the Agile Development Process and inform you about customer contacts that you may not be currently speaking with but who most likely would be interested in NetApp technologies It will also provide you with necessary information and practice to present the Golden Pitch to the appropriate customer contacts.
Briefcase: Competing with FlexPod for Partners
This package contains relevant information on FlexPod content, links, videos, resources and courses for partner sales personnel, systems engineers and implementation engineers.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: Efficient IT for Sales
The Efficient IT briefcase will enable you to better understand NetApp’s positioning and messaging regarding Efficient IT.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: Insight 2011 Certification Preparation
The Insight 2011 Certification Preparation Briefcase will provide you with resources you can use to prepare for NetApp certification exams.
NetApp Employees, Partners and Customers
Briefcase: Installed Base Operations for Partners
The Installed Base Operations for Partners package will provide you with the awareness to the challenges and opportunities associated with Installed Base data.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: NetApp Capital Solutions
Overview of NetApp capital solutions offerings and supporting resources.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: NetApp Training and Enablement for Partners
The NetApp Training & Enablement for Partners Briefcase includes information that can help you on the road to success with NetApp. Each folder provides you with important and useful information, links to relevant websites and resources.
Field and Channel Sales*
Briefcase: Midsize Business for Partners - FAS2200 Series
Midsize Business for Partners - FAS2200 Series are built on NetApp. We just unveiled our latest midsize business portfolio. This package is designed to help you develop the knowledge and skills to put you on the path to successful selling!
Field and Channel Sales*
GetSuccessful: Windows Consolidation Pocket Workshop
The GetSuccessful Windows Consolidation Briefcase will provide you with resources you can use to target the midsize enterprise with NetApp and VMware for Windows Consolidation.
Field and Channel Sales*
GetSuccessful: Desktop Virtualization Solutions Pocket Workshop
The GetSuccessful: Desktop Virtualization Solutions Pocket Workshop Briefcase will provide you with resources you can use to target customers interested in Virtualization Solutions.
Field and Channel Sales*
GetSuccessful: FlexPod Pocket Workshop
The GetSuccessful FlexPod Pocket Workshop Briefcase will provide you with resources you can use to target customers interested in FlexPod.
Field and Channel Sales*
Solution Briefcase: Microsoft on NetApp Storage
The Microsoft on NetApp Storage Solution Briefcase includes links to PPTs, whitepapers, videos, and training.
Field and Channel Sales*
Solutions in a Box: Database
Deliver a customized elevator pitch; Articulate the business value that the NetApp® solution can deliver; Identify and qualify opportunities; Respond proactively in competitive selling situations; Handle objections.
Field and Channel Sales*
Solutions in a Box: E-Series Solutions
The E-Series Solutions in a Box contains detailed resources to help you sell this platform, including training courses and videos, strategies for selling E-Series, and the latest competitive information.
Field Sales*
Solutions in a Box: Messaging and Collaboration
Deliver a customized elevator pitch; Articulate the business value that the NetApp® solution can deliver; Identify and qualify opportunities; Respond proactively in competitive selling situations; Handle objections.
Field and Channel Sales*
Solutions in a Box: Windows Storage Consolidation
Deliver a customized elevator pitch; Articulate the business value that the NetApp® solution can deliver; Identify and qualify opportunities; Respond proactively in competitive selling situations; Handle objections.
Field and Channel Sales*
Storage Systems: FAS32xx/V32xx Series Maintenance
Instructions for removing and replacing field replaceable unit components of the FAS32xx/V32xx series.
Support and Service Engineers*
Storage Systems: FAS62xx/V62xx Series Maintenance
Instructions for removing and replacing field replaceable unit components of the FAS62xx/V62xx series.
Support and Service Engineers*
Virtual Mentor: NetApp Partner Sales Engineers
The Virtual Mentor: NetApp Partner System Engineers package provides you with tools and resources that help you learn about NetApp and succeed as a NetApp Partner Systems Engineer (SE).
Field and Channel Sales*